Blood Alcohol Monitoring Systems in New Vehicles

Blood Alcohol Monitoring Systems in New Vehicles

According to the NHTSA, more than a quarter (25%) of accident-related deaths are linked to the use of alcohol. Per the CDC, there are 30 people that are killed every day in a car accident because of an alcohol-impaired driver. That is equivalent to one death every 50 minutes.

It is currently illegal in all states for drivers over the age of 21 to have a blood-alcohol concentration, or BAC, above .08. Many organizations are fighting to improve measures to reduce the number of accidents that are caused by alcohol-impaired drivers each day. The National Transportation Safety Board has recently recommended that all new vehicles in the U.S. be required to have blood alcohol monitoring systems that prohibit a drunk driver from getting behind the wheel.

Accident-Related Deaths are Increasing

Data has shown that deaths caused by car accidents have been at an all-time high since stay-at-home orders were lifted during the pandemic. About 43,000 people were killed last year due to traffic-related deaths which was the highest number reported in 16 years.

The National Transportation Safety Board has no authority to regulate measures; however, they are pushing to persuade the NHTSA to implement blood alcohol monitoring systems. These systems can be affective as early as three years from now.

The NTSB has also recommended that these vehicles monitor the driver’s behavior to make sure they are alert while driving.

Alcohol Monitoring Technology

Since 2008, many automakers have been funding research on these types of systems. They have also hired a Swedish company that tests a driver’s breath and stops a vehicle from moving if they are impaired.

Rather than the driver having to blow into a tube, the system would include a sensor that automatically tests the driver’s breath.

There is a separate company that is working on the development of light technology that would test for blood alcohol in a driver’s finger.

Statistics showed that there was a 14% increase in alcohol-related accidents from 2019 to 2020. A total of 11,654 people died in these types of crashes in 2020 which accounted for 30% of all U.S. traffic deaths.

What To Do If You Fall Victim to an Alcohol-Related Accident

Unfortunately, drunk drivers are less likely to get hurt in crashes compared to those that are sober. Alcohol-impaired people tend to be looser, whereas those that are sober are more tense. This increases their risk of serious injury since the body fights against the momentum generated by the impact, making the force more concentrated.

Drunk drivers, on the other hand, have less time to react or brace themselves since they are less aware, making it easier for their bodies to go with the momentum.

To decrease the risk of being seriously injured in an accident, it is important to always wear a seatbelt, position your seat so it isn’t too close to the airbag, and avoid any distractions while driving.

If you or a loved one has fallen victim to a DUI collision, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and loss wages. Our personal injury law firm will evaluate your case for FREE and point you in the right direction.

Contact our firm today for further legal assistance at (888) 529-3111.

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