3 Men Injured in Crash on Parade Route in Bakersfield

Rocky Legault, 42, and his 21-year-old son, Dominic Ledesma were among three people seriously injured Thursday by an alleged DUI driver on the Bakersfield Christmas Parade route.

The two men were among three including a 77-year-old man who were seriously injured when an alleged DUI driver crashed into the crowd and hit them at 21st Street and H Street.

The collision occurred just before 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 7th, according to Bakersfield Now.

Alan Booth, 72, was reportedly parked in an alley behind the Fox Theater located between 20th and 21st streets, according to Bakersfield police. The vehicle was unable to exit due to parade closures. The man reportedly got in his white pickup truck and backed up down an alley at high speed. While backing up, he reportedly struck a parked pickup truck and three men waiting for the parade.

The motorist continued to back up after hitting the victims and dragging at least two of them behind his vehicle. The driver eventually stopped near the Bakersfield Fire Station on H Street.

Bakersfield Fire Department paramedics responded and located the injured men ages 21, 42 and 77 years old. They were transported to a hospital where two were being treated for major injuries, but all were in stable condition.

Bakersfield Police arrested the driver, Alan Booth, on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Authorities stated the investigation into the crash at the Bakersfield Christmas Parade is ongoing.

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